Sequelae Meaning
Plural of sequela specialized 2.
Sequelae meaning. S ɪ ˈ k w ɛ l ə. A secondary consequence or result. Postpolio sequela postpoliomyelitis sequela postpoliomyelitis syndrome. S ɪ ˈ k w iː l ə us.
Sequelae synonyms sequelae pronunciation sequelae translation english dictionary definition of sequelae. Sequela a sequel fr. Seque lae l a morbid condition following or occurring as a consequence of another condition or event. Sequelae clinical medicine the consequences of a particular condition or therapeutic intervention sequela sē kwē lă plural sequelae l sequel.
It is different from but is a consequence of the first condition. Sequela definition is an aftereffect of a disease condition or injury. Timewise a sequela. Pathology a disease or condition which is caused by an earlier disease or problem.
A result or condition that follows from a disease or illness. How to use sequela in a sentence. Usually used in the plural sequelae iː is a pathological condition resulting from a disease injury therapy or other trauma typically a sequela is a chronic condition that is a complication which follows a more acute condition. N pl lae 1.
A pathological condition resulting from a disease. 1973 patrick o brian hms surprise ay ay said stephen testily it is showy. Haematoma formation is a dangerous sequela of this operation and careful drainage with polythene tubing was carried out. The procedure was uneventful and the patient has fully recovered without tricuspid valvular dysfunction or other sequelae early detection of this infection can reduce disease spread and prevent the sequelae of untreated chlamydia infections.
Se que lae sē kwē la sē kwel ē a condition following as a consequence of a disease. Sequela definition an abnormal condition resulting from a previous disease. 1970 jg ballard the atrocity exhibition.